donations for israel

Torah Study: On Simchat Torah we sang, “Ein Shmira KaTorah” – “there is no protection like Torah study”. Now is the time to increase our consistent Torah study!

Emet urges you to consider joining Emet TorahConnect, a premier 1-on-1 learning program, which meets Wednesday nights in person.

Men can sign up as students or mentors by texting Rabbi Ari Hertz at 786-413-4859.
Women can sign up as students or mentors at

Tzedaka: Many students have asked for suggested, verified organizations toward which to donate at this time. Emet recommends these excellent organizations among the many others that abound.

Click Here to Donate to UNITED HATZALAH

Equip an additional 1,000 United Hatzalah volunteers in Israel with protective vests and helmets, oxygen tanks, defibrillators, trauma bandages, and tourniquets.

Click Here to Donate to HELP THE IDF

All donations are utilized for the welfare and wellbeing of IDF soldiers 

Click Here to Donate to ZAKA ISRAEL

Zaka teams are spread throughout the south, focused on treating the deceased with respect. In urgent need of safety equipment and medical supplies.

Click Here to Donate to AGUDAH RELIEF FUND

For too many there is no going back. But we can help them move foward.

Click Here to Donate to AID FOR SDEROT

The southern city of Sderot has been hit especially hard. The needs of our soldiers, our precious chayalim defending the Jewish homeland, as well as the thousands of residents of the city whose lives have been turned upside down are many and varied.

 Click Here to Donate to BREAD FOR ISRAEL

Bread for Israel distributes 320,000+ loaves a month to hungry children throughout Israel. In these troubling times, Bread for Israel has redoubled their efforts to assist affected families in great need in Israel.

Click Here to Donate to LENEFESH

200 professionals, mostly volunteer, fielding emotional distress calls resulting from extreme trauma.